How do you create templates with shortcut keys that work when you are exchanging files with Windows Word users and Word for Mac users?
It's not practical to have two templates, one for Word 2010 and one for Word for Mac 2011 - the whole point is that these files are getting passed around everywhere. The same template on Word for Mac sucks, because people press Command+B as direct formatting, and it works. They press Ctrl-B, and they apply a style. My intent is to circumvent people who use Ctrl+B as direct formatting. For example, my template modifies the Strong character format to use Ctrl+B. Less odd things are still quite annoying. (The first letter gets capitalized by Word regardless of whether I use the Shift key, but let's not discuss that, please.) As a result, when I Ctrl+Shift+1 to apply a Heading 1, the style gets applied, but I cannot type a capital letter. The oddest is that pressing the Shift key is clearly getting interrupted somehow. Some odd things happen when I try to use the shortcut keys in my template on Word for Mac 2011.